The oddest thing about hiking in Korea is that it is so popular that you can see anyone from the seasoned hiker with all the latest North Face or K2 gear to a couple wearing dress clothes and shoes (yes this could mean women in high heels!) to mom's toting small children...
We headed up the trail which at first was pretty easy but as we got nearer to the "peak" it got how can I say it... a little intense! Our hike to the top lasted about a half hour or 45 minutes and the view was spectacular.... you could see all of Daegu (and if it wasn't sooo foggy/smoggy we would have gotten some great pics... sorry) and it looked like a little lego city with all the
As we headed back down we decided to hit the new breakfast place over by Camp Walker which is run by a friend of our from the baseball league. Excellent idea... the first real "American" breakfast we have had since we got here! (aside from at home... but if you know us at all you know how much we love a good breakfast out!)
So ended another lovely Saturday afternoon... next stop Samsung Lions baseball so stay tuned!